Montag, 22. Juli 2019

Pollo? Solo sopra il mio corpo morto freddo - Elvino, Oberon & Karl stuck in the Untersteg

Pollo? Solo sopra il mio corpo morto freddo
Adventure account from the perspective of the young mercenary Elvino.

Elvino briefly woke up in the cellar theatre, only to be immediately overwhelmed by searing pain hailing from his previous leg injury, resonating through his entire body, accompanied by the stench of rotten cheese. The  wound needed treatment badly, and he could feel the inflammation pulsating. 

Elvino the Tilean Mercenary
Luckily the Elf Oberon was around to tend to his wounds. He bandaged them, put some ointment on the wound and cleansed it from splinters and dirt, that had contaminated the gash.

During a lucid moment, somebody told the incapacitated mercenary that he might just survive the whole ordeal, but the amount of pain he went through made him severely question the statement. And even if he survived, would he keep his leg? Otherwise he’d just be a useless cripple unable to fight, walk, or even stand. Fever dreams entwined with reality, so he was not too sure about what happened the next couple of hours.

Oberon the Elven "Healer"
He remembered the squinty-eyed bartender offering him some sort of oddly tasting fish roll, still, better than what was usually served in the Untersteg. What’s more is thatElvino was unable to walk particularly far, so he resorted to jump on a single leg, thus he managed to investigate the cellar theatre more thoroughly.

Apparently Christian was sufficiently pleased with their “work” at the former dockyard.The motley group of Karl, Oberon and Elvino found the time to listen to the market crier, who finally brought news about the quarantine, which annoyingly was still to be prolonged. Also the authorities apparently wanted to gather further information about the incident in Heideldorf. One was to contact the guardsman by the name Basil.

Karl: Halfling, Acrobat, Bird Trainer
Summoning up all his stupidity and naivety at once, Elvino simply strolled up to the closed gate, asked for said guard in order to provide some insight about the recent events at the Wurstfest. Moreover forgot to get rid of his hidden weapons first, was quickly disarmed and subject to lengthy interrogations. He had to explain himself to a Colonel Winzik, alongside a particularily menacing looking guy called Luther. The only one who seemed only so much as half decent was a medicus from Tilea, who agreed to take a look at his naive countryman’s wounds. Vino cursed himself, nothing good has ever happened when dealing with the authorities around here, yet somehow he still thought it was a good idea to just waltz in and unabashedly talk about, albeit toned down, the highly classified events had taken place days prior.

Well, it mostly resulted in further questions, a very significant loss of weaponry, and he henceforth was required to gather intel about whatever interesting or criminal was going on in the Untersteg. Therefore he was told to report back every morning before the patrol, or else they’d find him. Reluctantly he agreed, and made his way back to the cellar theatre, exhausted by the interrogations.

Sonntag, 3. März 2019

La tua povertà mi fa incazzare - Elvino, Oberon & Karl stuck in the Untersteg

La tua povertà mi fa incazzare
Adventure account from the perspective of the young mercenary Elvino.

“Well this can’t be good”, Elvino thought to himself, they had dumped off the two ponies alongside everything else expendable, only to climb in that - only gods & dwarves know, why this thing is even flying - balloon again. While restocking on rations, Oberon had as it turned out mistakenly picked up the wrong drunk Halfling Karl, and by doing so, he was reunited with an old friend of his, who himself wasn’t actually too ecstatic about being halflingnapped after sobering up a bit.

Anyway, it was a cold, but comfortable means of transport, certainly less exhausting than traveling by foot or cart. So much the young Tilean mercenary, Harad the Dwarf, Oberon the Elf, and their short and involuntary new companion Karl had figured out: One could hardly steer this thing, let alone safely land it, which still, appeared pretty much guaranteed once they ran out of things to burn.

Samstag, 2. März 2019

Eskort nach Schattenglas - Teil 2

Benno, der einsame Jäger

... Glücklicherweise konnte ich den Abstand zu den Goblins ausbauen, doch dieses hüpfende Biest aus ihren Reihen blieb mir dicht auf den Fersen, und so blieb mir nichts anderes übrig, als mich ihm beim Gasthof zu stellen. Glücklicherweise hatte es mich schon zwei mal mit seinen Sprüngen verfehlt und als es im Wasser landete, konnte ich seinen Schwachpunkt ausmachen. Ich lockte es tiefer ins Wasser und sprang auf einen der schwimmenden Bäume. Auch sein letzter Sprung verfehlte mich zum Glück und ich konnte es mit meinem letzten Pfeil richten. Drei Pfeile waren insgesamt notwendig. Es wurde still um mich. Keine weiteren Gefahren in der näheren Umgebung ausmachend, machte ich mich, voller Hoffnung, meine Gefährten unbeschadet wieder zu treffen, auf den Weg zur Plattform, von der Benno gesprochen hatte.

Könnte ich bitte noch etwas von dem vorzüglichen Eintopf haben? (würfelt 09 bei Geschmack)

An der Platform angekommen, konnte ich meine Begleiter vorerst nicht ausmachen. Ich erinnerte mich an das Gebiet, sind wir doch erst Tage zuvor hier durchgekommen. Alles hatte sich verändert und vor mir tat sich ein krudes Konstrukt aus Holz und allen möglichen Materialien auf. Alles umgeben von einem warmen Nebel war das ganze Ausmaß jedoch schwer abzuschätzen. Vorsichtig machte ich mich daran, meine Gruppe zu finden. Ich konnte Bewegungen auf der Plattform ausmachen und näherte mich möglichst unauffällig, nur um festzustellen, dass ich mein Ziel erreicht hatte. So machten wir uns nach unserem Aufeinandertreffen endlich daran, Bennos ersehnte Gegenstände zu finden. Mir gelang es sehr schnell, die erwähnten Spinnentier zu finden und in diesem Prozess auch eine komische Art von Pilz zu sammeln, der wohl betäubende Eigenschaften zu besitzen vermag.

Hansch konnte wohl einen dieser Ständer ausfindig machen… Eine ekelhafte Mischung aus Goblinoberkörper und einer dieser Spinnen. Ich hatte wenig Ansporn, diesen näher zu betrachten.

Welche Schrecken belauern die Charaktere im Sumpfwald des Fuhrdienstes

Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2019

Volare - Elvino & Oberon's Escape from Zharr Ungor

This blog entry may contain spoilers for the "Gand Brynd" quest series.

Adventure account from the perspective of the young mercenary Elvino.

High above the moonlit southern Middenland their dangerous escape leads the 
motley crewof dwarves, ponies, men, halfling and elf close by a hilltop tavern...
So there they were, having left behind the ruins of Heideldorf which burnt down to a crisp after their latest endeavours at the annual Wurstfest, and on their way to Bad Hohne. An uncommon sight one could say, the Elf Oberon and the young Tilean mercenary Elvino, who had just won the sausage eating contest at the Wurstfest. Both of them were still exerted and from all the fighting and the hardships that they endured in Heideldorf, but that’s a story for another time.

Accompanied by a young Ogre named Khevin and a monk of Morr by the name of Vergil they were headed to Bad Hohne a small town, which was well known for its hot springs. Suddenly a cracking sound broke the monotonous creaking and thumping of the cart that they were sitting on, and Elvino awoke from his light sleep.

Were they being shot at? Was that a weapon that was fired? Surely it must have been bandits of some sort, and he was about to draw his weapon, when the cart came to a halt because there were some lunatics on the road who were apparently chastising themselves with all sorts of makeshift whips and apparently praising Sigmar while doing it.